What does it mean to be "all in" at Missio Dei Church?


We gather weekly on Sunday morning to celebrate the Father's love displayed by His work through the Son revealed by the Spirit’s leading in His word over His church to make us like Jesus and send us into the world to make him known and his kingdom visible through our everyday life.




We believe a missional community (MC) is a family of missionary servants seeking to make disciples who make disciples. An MC is not primarily a bible study, weekly meeting, self-help group, or a social activist group. Though elements of each these types of groups are often experienced in an MC, none of them fully embodies the vision and mission of a missional community.  In MCs we gather as a community to worship and submit all of our lives to Jesus by learning to love one another as family, serve the “least of these” in our midst, and be a witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. 



We are a people that share our time and resources. This means we help to serve our body in all the areas mentioned above. We are both free and gifted to do this. Free, because Jesus as King served us with his life, so that we can now serve others with His love and power. Gifted, because God, through Jesus, has made us and given us each unique personality and gifting so that we can bring glory to him by serving others in our community. This means we are generous with our money and our possessions in order that the world can be blessed. We are free to do this because God has shared his greatest riches with us by giving us his Son Jesus.