Next Steps

  • Become a Member
  • Join a Missional Community
  • Become a Believer
  • Be Baptized
  • Serve at with Missio Dei

Join our family


The process to become a covenant member at Missio Dei Church is simple but thorough and involves four steps. These steps are outlined in more detail below.

  1. Attend Missio Dei Primer/Basics
  2. Join a Missional Community
  3. Tell Your Story
  4. Sign the Covenant



All of the nitty gritty information about Missio Dei Church and our membership process can be found in this packet: Here


Missio Dei Church is a family, adopted by God (Gal. 4:6-7; Eph. 1:5). From him we receive the privilege to be his children, worship Jesus together, serve in his kingdom, and follow him on mission in everyday life. We love one another, care for each other, pray for each other, and serve together.


Becoming a covenant member of Missio Dei Church means belonging to a family of worshipping servants who are sent on mission by Jesus to make disciples for His glory. It is a commitment to the mission of God as we reintroduce His gospel to our city by making His Kingdom visible by declaring the good news and displaying its effects together in everyday life. We live for Jesus as a gospel-centered community on mission.


Covenant Membership is about more than attending church gatherings. Members commit to joining a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a higher degree of responsibility, service and sacrifice. Our pastors/elders and leaders pledge to assist our Covenant Members with care, counsel, prayer and teaching.


We hope that, as the Lord leads, you make a covenant to be part of our church family.


There are four steps in becoming a Covenant Family Member of Missio Dei Church:


1. Attend Membership Class

This is the first step to becoming a member of Missio Dei Church. We currently offer #WeAreMissioDeiMemphis membership classes at least two times a year in the form of a either a audio series online or separate classes before the Worship Gathering on Sunday mornings. 


#WeAreMissioDeiMemphis classes cover the basics about Missio Dei Church. We talk about the gospel (structure), the community (missional communities), and the mission and answer why we do things the way we do, etc. There is also ample time for questions.


Information about upcoming Membership Classes can be found here.


2. Join a Missional Community

The second step to becoming a member of Missio Dei Church is to join a Missional Community. We have MC's that meet at various times and locations around our city. Think of MCs a smaller families within the Missio Dei Family who are on mission together to a specific people in a specific place.


For more information on MCs, click here.


3. Tell Your Story

The third step to becoming a member of Missio Dei Church is to tell your story. This involves telling your story in two different venues:  online via a form & to your missional community. When you're ready to share your story (this includes both the story of your life & your faith journey), simply tell your MC leader and arrange a time to share your story during an MC meeting. You also need to tell your story via this form:


Missio Dei Church Membership Questionnaire


4. Sign the Covenant

The final step in the Missio Dei Church Membership process is to sign the church covenant.


Missio Dei Church Membership Covenant


Once you fulfill the requirements of membership and sign the covenant, you are considered a Covenant Family Member.


For Further Reading:




Church Membership by Jonathan Leeman (should be paired in reading with Church Discipleship by Jonathan Leeman)


The church and the Surprising Offence of God’s Love: Reintroducing Church Membership and Discipline by Jonathan Leeman


What is a Healthy Church Member? By Thabiti M. Anyabwile


Committing to One Another: Church Membership (9marks Healthy Church Study Guides) by Bobby Jamieson


Vintage Church (pgs. 78-80) by Mark Driscoll




What Is Church Membership?- Link


Twelve Reasons Why Membership Matters- Link


Is Church Membership Biblical?- Link


Church Membership: Holding the Body Together- Link


What’s the Deal with Church Membership?- Link